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Tyne and Wear HER(8850): Fenham Hall Drive, St. Mary's Training College - Details

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Sacred Heart Primary School, Fenham Hall Drive, Fenham



Fenham Hall Drive, St. Mary's Training College





Teacher Training College


Early 20th Century 1901 to 1932

Extant Building

Teacher training college; 1907 as school by Leonard Stokes for Sacred Heart Society. Flemish bond brick with ashlar dressings; plinth and rusticated quoins; graduated Lakeland slate roof. U-shaped range around courtyard. 2 storeys and attics. 3 wide bays on each front plus wide angle pavilions with large round bows facing; taller, flanking towers. Main south front: sashes with glazing bars in groups of 3 and 5. Deep cornice and parapet before mansard with dormers. 3 tall front; chimneys. 3-storey pavilions have rusticated quoins to second floor level; modillioned eaves cornices. Cornices at same level to flanking towers and parapets of full storey height above. Full-height buttresses on tower returns. Return elevations of similar style. LISTED GRADE 2*




Department of National Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural and Historic Interest, 8/238; N. Pevsner and I. Richmond, second edition revised by G. McCombie, P. Ryder and H. Welfare, 1992, The Buildings of England - Northumberland, page 517

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